Vancouver Fandom events is a listing of science fiction & fantasy fandom and fan-interest events happening in Greater Vancouver. Fan-group events are the primary focus; other non-fan-group events are listed secondarily. (Non-event announcements and events outside Greater Vancouver will, as a general rule, not be listed.)
While I try to keep track of upcoming events, I can not (and don't try to) visit every website, read every blog, subscribe to every mailing list. Email gets the info to me; just posting it on a website or mailing list is no guarantee that I'll see it.
Compiled by Keith Lim. Reposting any items elsewhere is ok. Send event tips or updates to <>. Web site:
Updated on Thursdays, to catch the weekend's events a day or two ahead. Please send event news tips or updates before Thursday (Vancouver/Pacific time). De jure, 11:59 pm Wednesday is the deadline. De facto, you can send me stuff on Thursdays as long as I haven't closed off and sent out that week's list yet.
Email upcoming events to Keith Lim at <>. I hope this list is useful or of interest to people.